This publication is from 2019. Newer material may be available. Please search related topics and keywords.
International Centre for Academic Integrity
- Membership organisation of universities from various countries (mostly USA, but also in Europe, the Middle East and Asia).
- Founded to combat cheating, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty in higher education.
- Cultivates cultures of integrity in academic communities globally.
- Offers assessment services, resources, and consultations to member institutions.
- Annual conference facilitates conversations on academic integrity topics.
- Encourages universities to celebrate Academic Integrity Days/Weeks for awareness raising.
- Has developed a comprehensive approach to enhancing integrity that involves a participatory risk assessment followed by a participatory reform process.
- Academic Integrity Assessment Guide:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of academic integrity programmes and policies.
- Assess student and faculty attitudes and behaviour in classrooms, labs, and exams.
- Identify potential concerns from sanctions to educational programmes.
- Develop action plans to improve understanding on the importance of academic honesty and promote open dialogue about academic integrity issues on campus.
- Templates for violation and resolution reports.
- Classroom handouts about unauthorised collaboration and how to avoid plagiarism.
- Guidelines for establishing an effective academic integrity assessment committee.
- Instructions for generating revised policies, practices, programmes and sanctions.
- Assessment and educational activities for focus groups; examples of codes of conduct, as well as plagiarism and academic integrity online tutorials. - Model Code for Academic Integrity
- Free online.
- Applies to students and staff.
- Premised on the fact that academic integrity is a shared responsibility, and that a model based on punishment alone will not work.
- Emphasises that 'the most effective deterrent will be a commitment to academic integrity within the student peer group.' - Academic Integrity Rating System
- Identifies benchmarks for institutionalising academic integrity in schools, colleges and universities.
- Rewards campuses for efforts to curb cheating and empower academic integrity.
- Allows colleges and universities to compare themselves to similar institutions.
- Collects data on academic integrity for comparing institutions and enabling future research aimed at achieving continuous improvement in this area.
The European Charter for Researchers and
Code of conduct for recruitment of researchers
- A comprehensive attempt to regulate the behaviour of researchers:
- General principles and requirements specifying researchers/employers/funders' roles, responsibilities, and entitlements.
- Framework for researchers, employers and funders to act responsibly and professionally in their work.
- On corruption – exhorts researchers to be aware that they are accountable towards their employers/funders/other related bodies.
- On ethics – exhorts researchers to be aware that they are accountable towards society as a whole (including accountability for efficient use of taxpayers’ money).
- Emphasises principles of sound, transparent, and efficient financial management, and cooperation on research audits.
Higher Education Corruption Monitor
- Updated news, articles, videos, etc. on corruption in higher education globally.
- A forum for awareness-creation and information exchange.
- Provided by the Center for International Higher Education – Boston College.
- Web-based resource platform with resources on ethics and corruption in all levels of education.
- Provided by UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP)
- Guidance on addressing plagiarism.
Observatory Magna Charta Universitatum
- A guardian of fundamental university values, acting globally.
- Assists universities and higher education systems to operate effectively in accordance with these values.
- A signatories’ association, independent from political organisations or interest groups.
Thomas Lancaster’s Blog
- Self-described academic integrity expert blogging about contract cheating (essay mills) and other academic integrity issues.